Are you a candidate preparing to participate in the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) National Business Certificate (NBC) and National Technical Certificate (NTC) Examinations for 2022? May/June? If the answer is YES, see the NABTEB Timetable for 2022 May/June Examinations below…
This is to inform all the 2022 NABTEB candidates that the authorities of the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) has released the timetable for the year 2022 May/June National Business Certificate (NBC) and National Technical Certificate (NTC) examinations.
NABTEB Exam Date:
According to the official timetable released by the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB), the exams start on June 20th and end on July 16th, 2022.
The Official Examination Time-Table contains the list of Subjects and their various exam time and dates:
Examinations will start on 20th June, 2022 with Theory Papers and end on 16th July, 2022. There will be NO FREE WEEK between theory and practical examinations.
Examination Centers with less than 10 Candidates will be merged with the nearest Centres with adequate Halls and classrooms for quality assurance purposes.
NCDC Guidelines on COVID-19 of hand washing, use of alcohol-based sanitizers, face masks and social distancing will be strictly adhered to.
NABTEB Timetable
++click on the image below for a better view++
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